Fashion Meets Justice: The Intriguing Story Behind Chanel and the Court of Cassation's Logos

The Duel of the Cs: How Chanel's Iconic Logo Sparked a Logo Battle with the French Court

The iconic logo of Chanel, composed of two interlocked Cs, was previously used by the Court of Cassation – the highest court in the French judicial system –, but the luxury brand requested the judicial institution to change its logo due to the similarity between the two, which led to a redesign of the Court's visual identity in the early 2000s.

It appears that the Court had already been contemplating a logo change, and the letter received from Chanel, warning about the potential for confusion, has solidified their choice to move forward with the redesign.

The Court retained the two interlocked Cs but opted for letters in Gothic script. However, it is still possible to catch a glimpse of the old logo on the woodwork of the institution, which was established in 1804 and is listed in the inventory of historical monuments.



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